Our Portfolio

The science of farming, including the study of soil, plants, and
animals, and ways to improve the production of food on farms:
Agronomy encompasses work in many areas including plant genetics,
crop rotation, irrigation, and food production.

BAMB provides advisory role to the livestock farming community and sells veterinary requisites. BAMB sells a broad range of vaccines, dips, dewormers, antibiotics. Veterinary instruments, antibiotics, mineral and vitamin supplements.

A grain is a small, hard dry seed with or without an attached hull or fruit layer, harvested for human or animal consumption. At BAMB we have a wide range of grains that have a large demand in the global market.

Beef cattle can utilize roughages of both low and high quality, including pasture forage, hay, silage, corn (maize) fodder, straw, and grain by-products. Cattle also utilize nonprotein nitrogen in the form of urea and biuret feed supplements, which can supply from one-third to one-half of all the protein needs of beef animals.